Top Cross Browser Testing Challenges and How to Overcome Them

The introduction of smartphones and other mobile devices has altered our perceptions about software applications. We are no longer in an era when the Windows desktop was all that mattered. You now have access to a wide range of devices with a wide spectrum of different screen sizes and resolutions. Software application development has come a long way, and today's applications must take into account not just one but several devices, as well as various operating systems (OS) along with the multiple versions of each.

Software development, along with software testing, has become more difficult with the advent of multiple devices and numerous operating system versions. Here we shall look into the top challenges of testing an app across multiple browsers and platforms, and the solution to the challenges.

Understanding the Challenges of Cross Browser Testing

Cross browser testing may appear to be a simple process that runs your website in many browsers. Perhaps just tweaking the code to suit different browsers and OS systems. However, it is far more complicated than that. Cross browser testing can result in some tricky circumstances. In the field, these types of scenarios present a difficult obstacle to overcome.

1] Too Many Browsers and Platforms to Consider

One of the most difficult aspects of cross browser and cross platform testing is taking into account a variety of browsers, platforms (and their numerous versions), and even variable resolutions of mobiles and smart devices. It can become extremely complicated as a result of this.

2] Frequent Browser Updates

Another issue with cross-browser testing is that browsers are updated on a frequent basis. Despite the fact that our operating systems and resolutions are not subjected to frequent updates, browsers are updated every 6 to 8 weeks. This is due to their Agile development working technique. This means that QA professionals are required to repeat the tests at a frequency of six to eight weeks.

3] Effective Infrastructure Maintenance

When you set out to test on every possible browser version and multiple platforms and device resolutions, you need to have all these available in-house. In other words, you needs to have multiple systems in place, each one catering to the individual browsers and platforms. This not just involves high costs but also requires a team of skilled professionals for its upkeep and maintenance.

Solution to the Challenges of Cross Browser Testing

Now that we have looked into the major challenges involving cross browser testing and cross platform testing, let us figure out how your QA team can overcome these challenges. Well, if we put it out in simple words, the solution to the challenges mentioned above is an automated cross browser testing tool.

QARA Enterprise is a cross-platform test automation solution that lets you perform tests on a variety of browsers and devices. QARA Enterprise's cross-browser, cross platform testing tool were created with the goal of reducing testing time and enhancing test automation coverage. The key features of the QARA Enterprise cross browser and cross platform testing tool are as follows:

Multi-browser Support

You can try out all of the major browsers, from an old version of Internet Explorer to the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Phantom, and Safari on the QARA Enterprise cross browser cross platform testing tool.

Multi-platform Support

QARA Enterprise is a complete testing solution for apps on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Web, Mobile and even Angular JS.

Multi-device Support

Test applications can be run on desktops, tablets, and phones with QARA Enterprise cross browser testing platform.

BrowserStack and Sauce Labs integration

Thanks to the interaction with BrowserStack and Sauce Labs, users with valid credentials can test apps on a variety of operating systems and browsers using the QARA Enterprise User Interface.

Want to witness what makes the QARA Enterprise the ideal cross browser cross platform testing tool your QA team needs to attain the testing goals? Visit, contact us or drop an email on and our team will get in touch with you