Infographics Blog on Benefits of Test Automation in DevOps
The advent of cloud-based applications has resulted in the shifting of the conventional software development process. Instead of designing software for a particular requirement presented by a client, the new idea is to view software development as an ongoing service.
Software development has evolved to an agile framework whereby software is constantly refined to meet evolving consumer needs. DevOps and automation play a key role in helping companies streamline the development process.
What is DevOps
DevOps combines two distinct sub-disciplines: development and operations. While the word Dev is often used to refer to software development in general, it actually refers to a much larger group of people who help produce a product, such as Product Managers, software developers, Quality Assurance engineers, and others.
Ops, on the other hand, refers to the system engineers, network engineers, system managers, DBAs, and other contingent workers who work on the entire IT infrastructure and operations. In short, DevOps is concerned with software development, quality assurance, and IT operations coordination and communication.
Test Automation in DevOps
Automation in DevOps begins with code creation on the developer's computer and continues until the code is pushed to the code repository, as well as monitoring the application and system in development. There are many advantages that a new age test automation tool like QARA Enterprise can bring to DevOps. The following infographics highlight the core test automation benefits for DevOps.

The entire DevOps pipeline is automated, including continuous integration, continuous testing, and continuous deployment, as well as live application performance monitoring. The central highlight of DevOps practice is automating infrastructure setup and configurations, as well as software deployment.
DevOps practices rely heavily on automation in order to make deliveries in a matter of hours and through networks on a regular basis.
As a result, DevOps automation increases the number of deliveries while also increasing speed, precision, efficiency, and reliability. Finally, everything from production to implementation and monitoring is covered by DevOps automation.
In a traditional software development process, only the development team and their activities, especially testing, were automated. It used to be that automation meant only testing and automating functional test cases, not even non-functional testing such as performance and protection. And none of the other activities, especially those related to operations, were previously automated.
In DevOps, the Operations team has begun automating all of their tasks, which has proven to be critical to the success of DevOps.
Test Automation Benefits for DevOps
Actually, in DevOps practice, automation begins with code creation on the developer's computer and continues until the code is released to production, as well as monitoring the application in real time. This is an example of a standard cycle of DevOps.
DevOps forces the operations team to automate many of their tasks, including provisioning servers, configuring servers, configuring networks, configuring firewalls, and controlling the program in the production environment, in addition to development activities.
Test automation is a must if the releases are to be completed in as little as a few hours. When DevOps and automation are combined, the SDLC becomes more powerful. The test automation benefits for DevOps are as follows.
- Elimination of manual errors
- Boosts speed, reliability, and consistency
- Increased number of deliveries
- Empowerment of team members
- Optimization of lead time
- Elimination of dependency and latency
- Higher release frequency
- Faster and more frequent feedback
You will start prioritizing stuff like continuous delivery and monitoring with DevOps automation. Being able to access real-time testing while maintaining a development focus would be extremely beneficial in the long run. Begin incorporating test automation into your DevOps process today, and you'll be amazed at how simple it is to save time and money the right way.
Looking for an advanced test automation and management tool that can help your QA team? Visit www.qaratest.com or drop us an email at info@qaratest.com, and our team will help you on your journey towards implementation of automation.